
Showing posts from 2010

How to insert multiple database rows into JTable

If you want to insert rows with data into a JTable by fetching from the database, this is the easyest way to do it. //Statement is got through mysql connection sql="select code,name,type from item_table" ResultSet resultset = statement.executeQuery(sql); Vector rows=new Vector (); while({ Vector one_row=new Vector (); one_row.add(resultset.getString('code')); one_row.add(resultset.getString('name')); one_row.add(resultset.getString('type')); rows.add(one_row); } DefaultTableModel model=new DefaultTableModel(); Iterator i=rows.iterator(); int count=0 while(i.hasNext()){ model.insertRow(count,(Vector); count++; } //Table is the JTable instance table.setModel(model);

Apache load balancing for Tomcat Example (with Wamp server apache module (Apache2.2.xx))

This is continued from the previous post in here . Scenario: You have application running on two tomcat servers. Example is for localhost. Replcae it with relevant IP addresses which the tomcat servers are runing. 1. http://localhost:8080/app/ 2. http://localhost:8090/app/ You need to load balance between two tomcat servers through apache server as well as to hide the actualURLs from outside. Here is the Step by Step instructions. 1. First follow the previous post and configure apache proxy. 2. Let's write a balancer configuration named "mybalancer" with two members who are two tomcat servers. The load should be balanced between those two members (1:1). Add the following segment to httpd.conf file. < PROXY balancer://mybalancer > BalancerMember http://localhost:8080 BalancerMember http://localhost:8090 </ PROXY > 3. Now change the ProxyPass statement to refer the balancing cluster. For that replace line ProxyPass /proxydemo/ http://localhost

Apache proxy configuration for Tomcat Example (with Wamp server apache module (Apache2.2.xx))

Apache Proxy Configuration - To place Tomcat server behind apache server Scenario: You have tomcat server applications ( http://localhost:8080/app/ , etc)which need to be placed behind a apache server. In this example apache port is 9090. You can have your own ports. First download WampServer2.0i file and install in your machine. Start Wamp and start apache service (Click on wamp icon in toolbar and go to apache-Service-Start/Resume Service ) In you wamp installation directory go to it's apache module and open httpd.conf file. (WAMP_HOME\bin\apache\Apache2.2.11\conf\httpd.conf) 1. Here you have to enable following modules.                                   LoadModule proxy_module modules/                                   LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/                                    LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ Search them in httpd.conf file and uncomment them. (Remove # mark infront of each module entry) Now r

Java-Simple way to check command line input to enter a number-Give error message if not a number and ask again to input

If you want to take a commandline input through BufferedReader or Scanner and you want user to enter a number. So in this solution user is asked to enter a number and if it is not a number (throws NumberFormatException) error message is displayed and again asks for user to enter. Until user enters a number this continues. This is simple. Here is the code with comments explaining the code. import*; class InputNumber{ public static void main(String args[]){ boolean success=false; String value=null; int number_value=0;//number value is stored System.out.print("Enter Number:"); //loop continues until user entered a number,success //will assigned true when user entered a number and while //loop will terminate while (!success){ try{ BufferedReader bf=new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(; value=bf.readLine(); number_value=Integer.parseInt(value

Run two/more Apache tomcat servers in your machine at the same time

If you have currently configured a single tomcat server and you need to add more tomcat servers, first remove the CATALINA_HOST environmental variable. The configure more tomcat servers in new ports. ( How to change the Tomcat running port ) Now go to Command Line. Go to the first tomcat server directory through command line and go to bin directory. Type "startup" and execute Tomcat. Then your tomcat server will start. Now go to the next Tomcat server dirctory through cmd and as same as the first one execute it through command line. Here as we haven't created CATALINA_HOME variable , we can not execute Tomcat straghtly double clicking startup.bat file. So when we execute Tomcat from cmd, it creates required environmental variables at that time and starts tomcat.

How to change Apache Tomcat running port

Go to conf folder of your apache tomcat installation. Open server.xml file. Method 1 Search for (Ctl+F) "Connector port" key word there. In the first matching occurence change the port value to the value which you wish. For better accuracy make sure the current port value in the first matching occurence is equal to the port which the tomcat currently running. restart tomcat. Method 2 Find the port which tomcat currently running. Search for (Ctl+F) the current port in server.xml file and change it to the value you want. restart tomcat.

AXIS2 Web Service in eclipse through Top Down Approach-java.lang.RuntimeException: Element QName is null

Based on this tutorial, But used my own WSDL file. I used Top Down approach where to create java codes from the WSDL file. But at “Axis 2 Web Service Skeleton Java Bean Configuration” wizard window I clicked next and there occurred an exception as follows saying Element QName is null. SOLUTION Add the following XML element within tags and inside tag which has a wsdl:fault (Particular operation should throw an exception). So I had to add, It appears as follows, <binding> <operation name="GetBalance"> <operation soapaction=""></operation> <input /> <output> </output> <fault name="fault"> <fault name="fault" use="literal"></fault> </fault> </operation> </binding> Here the getBalance operation throws

Axis 2 web services in eclipse: Exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/HttpResponseFactory thrown when Services link clicked

I created the web service using axis2 and deploy through tomcat in eclipse following a Tutorial . Then axis2 homepage get displayed OK. But when the Services link clicked an exception page will get displayed as follows. type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet.init() for servlet AxisServlet threw exception org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke( org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service( org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process( org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process($ Source) root cause java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/HttpResponseFactory org.apache.axis

AXIS2 web service in eclipse: Web Service created, but when executed HTTP Status 404 page get displayed

Web Service project name= SimpleATMService http://localhost:8080/ATMService/ : HTTP Status 404 page SOLUTION Try This URL: http://localhost:8080/ATMService/axis2-web/

Add HTML, JavaScript, or any other codings into blogger posts

First you need to add some HTML content to your blog. For that go to Design tab---> Edit HTML Inside the Edit Template add the following code inside it's existing <head></head> tags. You can copy and paste the following code to the end of header codings. Here is the code that need to be added. <!-- mula syntax highlighter --> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script src="" type="text/javascript"> <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> <!-- <script src='