
Showing posts from January, 2015

How to invoke APIs in SOAP style in Swagger

WSO2 API Manager has integrated Swagger to allow API consumers to explore APIs through a interactive console which is known as 'API Console' This swagger based API Console supports invoking APIs i REST style out of the box. So this post going to show how we can invoke APIs in SOAP style in API console of WSO2 API Manager 1.7.0. For that we need to do few extra configurations. 1. Send SOAPAction and Content-Type header in the request 2. Enable sending SOAPAction header in the CORS configuration First create an API for a SOAP Service. In this example I am using HelloService sample SOAP service of WSO2 Application Server. This HelloService has a operation named greet which accepts a payload as below. <soapenv:envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ=""> <soapenv:header> <soapenv:body> <typ:greet> <!--Optional:--> <name>lakma