Migrating WSO2 API Manager 1.5.0 to 1.6.0

WSO2 API Manager latest version 1.6.0 got released recently. This post provides instructions on how to migrate your data from API Manager 1.5.0 to 1.6.0. If you had already used API Manager 1.5.0 and need to migrate your data to the latest version you can follow this.

You can download WSO2 API Manager 1.6.0 from here.

You can download the latest migration scripts from


Checkout the migration kit by executing below command.

%> svn co https://svn.wso2.org/repos/wso2/carbon/platform/branches/turing/products/apimgt/1.6.0/modules/distribution/resources/migration-1.5.0_to_1.6.0

  1. Shutdown AM 1.5.0 if it is running. 
  2. Backup your API Manager Databases of your AM 1.5.0 instance.
  3. Execute relevant sql script in migration-1.5.0_to_1.6.0 against your API Manager Database. (ex:If your database is mysql run mysql.sql against your APIM mysql database)
  4. Now point same WSO2 Carbon Database(User Store and Registry) and API Manager Databases of your AM 1.5.0 instance to AM 1.6.0. (Configure AM_1.6.0/repository/datasource/master-datasources.xml to point same databases configured in AM 1.5.0)
  5. Move all your synapse configurations to APIM_1.6.0. For that, copy and replace APIM_1.5.0/repository/deployment/server/synapse-config/default directory to APIM_1.6.0/repository/deployment/server/synapse-config/default. [If you had APIs created by tenants copy tenant configs as well which can be found in repository/tenants]
  6. Start AM 1.6.0 and Login.
  7.  Change the registry extension file[.rxt file] with the new one[which can be found from /rxt/api.rxt]. For that go API Manager Management console. Navigate to path 'Home-> Extensions-> Configure-> Artifact Types' from management console and click the link 'View/Edit' and replace above mentioned new api.rxt and save.
  8. Configure endpoint-migration/build.xml with the information for the below properties.
    • registry.home= Path to AM pack location [In a distributed setup, give the Publisher node path]
    • username= Username for the AM server
    • password= Password for the AM server
    • host= IP of running AM server [In a distributed setup, give the host of the Publisher node]   
    • port= Port of running AM server [In a distributed setup, give the port of the Publisher node]   
    • version= Version of AM server
  1. Go inside endpoint-migration/ and execute "ant run". You should get a "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" message if it ran correctly.

Hope this instructions help you to migrate your data from API Manager 1.5.0 to 1.6.0. Queries are welcome if you face any issues with the migration.


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