Site Customization

The best thing is you can decide how to customize its top-level site.WSS provides many options for configuring and customizing sites.In the top-right corner of the page, you can see the Site Actions menu. This menu provides commands that allow you to create new site elements, customize the current page, and navigate to the Site Settings page.

But the thing is , customizing is visible only to the users who has the sufficient level of permissions. ;)

The Create Page

Create Page allows users to customize the current site by creating new site elements  such as lists, document libraries, Web Part Pages, and child sites.

These standard element types have been designed to facilitate team-level collaboration. They include list types for collaborating on list-based items such as announcements, contacts, links, calendar events, tasks, and issue tracking.

Creating a List for Leave Request inside a company

  • Click the custom List link under custom Lists.
  • Give "Leave Request" as the Name
  • For the description type "This is a List for handling leave requests inside the company"

  • Now click Ok. You will be redirected to the Leave Request List.
  • Here Go to Settings--Create Column
  • Give the column Names and select the data type.The best thing is you have lots of optons for defining the columns to be fitted to your requirements. Feel free to experiment all the options.

  • Give following names and data types and create columns
          (Column name - type of Information)
  • Reason-
  • From -Date and Time
  • To-Date and Time 
  • Approved By- Person or Group
  • Leave Type-Choice (menu to choose from)
  • Number of days-Number
  • Then Click ok. Now go to New---New Item
  • Here You can see that you can enter the leave information.

  • After creating the list you can do any type of edition by going to Leave Request---Settings---List Settings
  • From here you can add new columns, edit and update columns, delete columns, etc.
  • Create your own multiple Lists and try different options provided. Feel free to Try... Good Luck!


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